Home Runs

If you think your business is too big or too small, please review our Home Runs.
Please know that accounting supports your processes, it does not drive it. There is however a right versus wrong way to post transactions. We can fix that too.

Business Owner does not receive any accounting reports from her part-time bookkeeper and only knows how she is doing based on how much money is in the bank account after covering payroll each week. She extended her prior year tax return so records could be cleaned up and needs us to look at them and help her understand her accounting and get the records she needs to understand profitability on jobs.

Our Questions:
Does your Bookkeeper reconcile the bank account monthly and are they current?
What is missing from what is accounted for somewhere in your system?
Are processes documented?
What do you want to get from this?

First Impression:
We can get the transactions recorded with support schedules, and get your records current with the reporting you need.  Everybody gets homework to pull records together before we meet.

We met at the client’s office and using prior records from the old accounting system, and previous tax returns, beginning balances were supported and entered into QuickBooks.
We made some edits and setting changes on the Chart of Accounts, added new accounts and made others inactive.
Along with the Owner and Bookkeeper, we looked at all entries posted in the prior year, and cleaned up it up, along with the current year.
Processes are documented and everyone understands the flow of information and what triggers certain events to be recorded. Communication has improved so nothing is missed.
Invoicing is current with a plan to keep it up to date to support cash flow.
There is now a method for seeing the profitability of jobs.
We continue to meet at the client’s office for a few hours each month to get accounting questions answered, to reconcile accounts and review entries, and to continue to use reports to provide the Owner what she needs to run her business.

Home Run!
A typical entrepreneur, while building their business, has several serious organizational issues to tackle on several fronts. One of the most critical is to ensure that the business generates cash flows for managing day-to-day operations. They soon discover that it is cash rather than the customer who is king. It is fair to deduce that finance and accounting is the one area which can keep the entrepreneur up all night with worry.
This makes it almost mandatory to have a knowledgeable accountant in place to keep it all current and give the owner reconciliations, an Accounts Receivable and Accounts Payable report, and Year-to-Date statements to review so they have what they need to build their business.

When you need someone to ask, call, text, or email.  I can help.

Kathy Emerson  321-961-0164