
We can help unravel the mess and help owners find out where they really are (no puffery, no lies, no bs) in order to help you do more of what is profitable and stop what is not, as well as supporting CPA reviews / audits of financial data, etc.  We will provide your team with the tools they need.

We help small- and medium-sized businesses develop their accounting and operations people to work as a team so you can get through the daily and monthly challenges of running your business.

  • Work with you and build your financial projections so you have a budget
  • Know where you stand as to profitability and cash.
  • Review your processes for efficiencies and get the most out of your process/information flows.
  • Have wise credit policies so your customers keep the cash flowing.
  • Get current and stay current on bills with vendors.
  • Produce reliable financial statements at the end of the month and also know where you are during the month.
  • Remove the mystery from the accounting process with plain English discussions and procedures.
  • Address requests by auditors or outside CPAs – in their language.
  • Trust Accounting and Monthly Reconciliations in accordance with the Florida Bar.

Call me to help mentor and train your accounting staff. Familiarity comes with practice. You will be able to see exactly how efficient your business is running, once you have tools in place. We can also develop a monthly close package including some key performance indicators that will be truly useful on an ongoing basis.

Call or Text me 321-961-0164

Initial Needs Assessment is Included

We Can Agree on Accounting Needs & Services
General accounting, expense analysis, forecasting, costing

Team Member Training at Your Location

Team Members will Receive Knowledge and Tools
Contact me for Service, Hourly, or Daily Quote

Process Improvements

When You Need to Know if Staff is Being Used Effectively
Add Efficiencies to Your Processes and Improve Flows

Other Services

Presentation Speaker
Proofreader (because you CANNOT proof your own work)

Group 640